We Keep Active

Keeping Active Is Important

Studies have shown a direct correlation between the amount of activity and the quality and longevity of life. For those who suffer from memory loss and confusion, activity can help reduce anxiety and maintain higher levels of functioning.

We encourage our residents to be as active as they can be. Our activity program is designed to:

  • Offer variety and choice.
  • Match personal abilities.
  • Create enjoyment and energize.
  • Provide social stimulation.
  • Fulfill a purpose in the care plans.

We understand that some of our residents are more adventurous than others, so we take them out and explore. Other residents we know would rather keep busy where they feel most comfortable, so we offer plenty for them to do at Fremont Home Care. Also, for those residents who happen to have limitations and special needs, we tailor many of our activities to allow them to join in.

We also realize that some people may choose to be left alone, especially new residents struggling with change and new faces, so we are patient and let them adjust at their own pace. Usually, as their comfort level grows, so does their level of involvement.

See What Our Residents Are Up To

Take a look at the many things our residents do to lead more fulfilling lives. Click on the picture of the Activity Scrapbook to view lots of photos and video clips.

Activity Scrapbook
We keep our residents as active as possible, as well as mentally stimulated.